Romero Castle Garden Sanctuary is a privately-owned home located on Cesar Chavez, one mile and a half south of the Expressway in Alamo, Hidalgo County, Texas.
This enchanted garden estate sits on two acres of land owned by Mr. Gerardo Martin Romero and Marivel Romero, residents of Alamo, TX for the past 25 years.
For years visitors have stopped by to take pictures and have surprisingly asked for tours, with many calling the home “The Castle” or “El Castillo”. Founder Gerardo Martin Romero, was gifted a vision and passion that has been relentless and with which only through God’s help, has been able to become fulfilled.
“With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
- Matthew 19:26
We’d like to share this One man’s journey to building his castle and honor the drive and commitment he has shown us day in and out EVERYDAY for the past 24 years. From digging the trenches to laying the first block when he had no idea how to even lay block, this home was built with sweat, passion and a purpose.
As a family, we know that only through Gods plan, has this wonder been able to exist and it is only through his continued guidance that we NEED to share this with our community and let it be known that every foot that steps on these grounds, is meant to be here. No matter their current situation, where they are in their lives, no matter the chaos or troubles at work or home, we want everyone to know that they are meant to grow and prosper in their plans. That if they would be still, trust in His plan and believe in themselves, that anything is truly possible. We want to foster a relaxed mindset to allow every idea to grow and nourish and hope that all who visit will be able to “Let go, and let God” inspire them.
We hope to create a space where beauty and peace exists to nourish our minds for the good and NOT the bad. A place to inspire hope and encouraging thoughts to our youth or to the struggling mother that is tired and worn, a place to help birth new ideas to the stuck entrepreneur so that they may have faith and keep going. A place that those in our underserved community do not have to travel miles away or financially stress to experience peace and create beautiful memories. Within our community, young families cannot afford luxury trips to amusement parks or the movies. Many with their immigration status, the choice to step out of their home to drive their child to school or buy groceries just to survive can rip them apart from their family at any moment. The stress and worry of this unhealthy mindset creates a domino effect on quality of life as parents, and their children as well. Our hope is that our castle garden sanctuary will be a fairytale oasis meant to nurture body, mind, and soul to leave all your worries behind. So that when you head back to the “real world” battles of everyday stress at work/home/school you will be fully restored with a clear vision and ready to “MAKE A DIFFERENCE” in your own family and community, which in turn will make the world a better place, one mind at a time.
To inspire all to BE STILL and experience the enchantment of our castle garden sanctuary through art, community, nature, and magical moments.
To foster faith, peace, purpose, healing, and hope for all who seek it.
We’d like to engage children and avid learners on the history of castles, and how people lived through simpler times through a small basic village cottage, and a look into self-sustained garden living.
We plan to promote outdoor healthy living and move kids away from electronics and get them back to creative, imaginative play.
We plan to work with our local nonprofit organizations that specialize with children of abuse and negligence. With children that are going through dark moments in their lives medically and also siblings of special needs. So that through the healing power of play we are able to take them into a whole other fairytale world where they will be a true princess or prince! We will be able to fill their minds and hearts and brighten their darkest days.
Our mission at our Romero Castle Garden Sanctuary to help kids be kids, build confidence and joy, encourage unplugging and meaningful connections, and foster family bonding through unforgettable experiences.
We are currently open for programs and are privately funded by community purchases through The Queen's Kitchen.
We are currently looking for volunteers and sponsors for our non-profit community based programs.
For more information on renting for a private event,
please call us at (956)648-9259.
All proceeds from private events will be used to fund our ongoing community programs that focus on creating magical moments for all who choose to step on our grounds and more for those that have limited access to such opportunities.
“The true measure of our character is found in how we serve the poor and the orphans, treating them as if they were ROYALTY, with the dignity and care they deserve.”
For avid naturists and expert birders, we know that the majority of visitors that come to Alamo in search of an authentic ecotourism adventure, visit Santa Anna Wildlife Refuge. We’d like to keep the adventure going here at Castillo Romero and offer them a relaxing environment where they’ll be able to be surrounded by floral landscapes, colorful botanical views and hidden gardens.
We are in a CENTRAL LOCATION, in the heart of the Rio Grande Valley and are within driving distance of:
Your contribution will enable us to support the continued building of our Castle Garden Sanctuary for our community. We are very grateful for your generosity.
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